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Propel Your Vision 2023!

Dive Deeper into your Vision for 2023.


Most people know about vision boards. (Some of us love them: two hands raised over here!)


Some of you may roll your eyes at them, but they really do have a powerful effect on the brain. #neurosciene Especially if you're a visual learner - which is about 65% of the population.


But there is a big problem with vision boards: they only speak to one of your brains.


We can hear you now:

Ummm, one of the brains? Don't we only have one brain?



You actually have 3. (Hint: there's a reason you hear phrases like, "gut instinct".) 


That's what this workshop is about: tapping into all 3 of your brains to make your vision come to life.


Oh, and did we mention: It's FREE.

Complimentary, from us to you, to utilize this fresh start and help you live the life you desire. 


Set aside 90 minutes on Thursday, Feb 9th and join us for our 

Propel Your Vision workshop.


We'll meet on Zoom at 7pm CST.


Whether you are feeling clear on what you want to create for this year or have no idea. Whether you're excited about the new year or feeling 'meh' - no worries. This workshop will still serve you.  


We'll guide you through a couple of activities to help you tap into your 3 brains and you'll approach creating your vision board in a new way. 


Propel Your Vision WORKSHOP

a virtual workshop for diving deeper into your 2023 vision


Thursday, Feb 9, 2023

7pm - 8:30pm CST

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