We Got You!
We know you, because we were you.
If you're like most of the ladies we work with, you're smart, loving, and trying to manage 800 million responsibilities. You're constantly running around, multitasking every aspect of your life, scared of what may happen if you drop a single ball, and just hoping that something (or someone else) will change so that you can slow down, take care of yourself, and feel better.
Does this sound familiar?
You love your family and friends, you're the first to get up each morning and get the house running; coffee started, breakfast made, kids dressed, husband out the door, kids in the car and off to school. Then you go to work. Where you care deeply about the work you do and the people you work with so you're always giving 110%, taking on more, and being a team player.
But what happens when the school calls and a child is sick?
Or, your day plays out like any other day and you go home to soccer or t-ball or swim practice (depending on the day of the week), not to mention juggling dinner, homework, quality time with your partner. But at this point all you can muster up the energy for is collapsing on the couch for some Netflix and a glass (or bottle) of wine.
just to do it all again tomorrow.
Now let us ask you: where were you in your day?
Whether your desire is to get healthy, be a better____ (mom, wife, friend, sister, boss), or simply take care of yourself consistently (hello being able to recognize your needs and being able to voice them).
you've probably got a 10 mile long To Do list of 'shoulds'. And you may have noticed, that list of shoulds adds to the frustration and overwhelm...because you actually believe you should be able to do it all and do it all well.
Perfectly, perhaps?
If you’re anything like our ladies, you’re probably great at taking action. (Doing isn't the problem. Hellloooo - that’s why you’re the one with all the things on your plate…)
But taking consistent action, long term, and doing it for yourself, well, that's a different story.
You've also probably noticed that when times get tough (you're feeling run down but all the things are happening this week), when you're in a difficult situation (like when the school calls about that sick kid) or something doesn't go as you planned (when your teenage daughter quits the job that pays for the car she just bought and now you're responsible), you default to poor habits (where's that bottle of wine again?!).
You’re probably really good at putting out fires. But when that happens, taking care of you falls right back to the bottom of that should do list.
That's what this Retreat is About:
Getting Back To YOU.
Imagine This...
We've tracked down the perfect location for this SUPER INTIMATE Retreat.
(Check out those pics --->)
Space is limited to only SEVEN ladies.
That's right: 7.
Because we're going to customize everything to YOUR specific desire.
You have a whole weekend just for you.
A re-set weekend to focus on you and what you want.
And you don't have to do, manage, or organize anything throughout it.
And you create a true, meaningful connections with link minded ladies on a similar journey.
You wake after a night of quality sleep and start your day with some focused breathing and movement that feels good.
Not because there's something wrong with your body, or because it's broken, but because your body loves to move.
Self love at its finest.
After your movement, your breakfast is provided to you,
after, you'll take a stroll down to the beach. This time will be all about you: customized attention to your desires and goals, and personalized action plan that works for you.
Plus, free time. Sigh. Free time. <3
Followed by an evening of fun, food and friendship.
And you know that you have these relationships long after this weekend - a new special family in your corner.
A Question For You
You've probably already discovered that constantly putting yourself on the back-burner while care taking everyone else isn't working for you and that you need to slow down and reconnect with yourself.
As you already know, if you keep doing what you’ve been doing, you’ll keep getting what you’ve been getting, right?
The fact that you're reading this means that you want something in your life to change. How can you expect your life to change if you keep doing exactly what has gotten you to where you are right now?
Sooner or later, most people realize they need support to change.
Are you willing to invest in yourself — with your energy, time and money?
Are you willing to give yourself what you need, physically, emotionally, mentally?
A little tough love:
It's not a matter of time (or money), as most people think, it's really a matter of self love and valuing yourself.
Choosing to join us on a Retreat is investing in yourself,
choosing yourself,
choosing the life you see for you.
No more waiting for a better time. No more excuses. No more waiting for permission.
We're all about Wellbeing: Mind, Body, Spirit.
Our highest values are Freedom, Wellbeing, Love/Family, Connection, and Fun.
You'll find they're infused into everything we do.
If these are your highest values too, then our Retreats are a good fit for you.

We completely understand that you want to make sure you're making a great decision, so let's look at the nuts and bolts of what you'll get during the Retreat,
once you fully consider how this will impact your life, your relationships, your family click the button and join us.
Lake Michigan Retreat You'll Get Access To:
Beautiful accommodation, walking distance to Cherry Beach.
Welcome dinner, and we've also included all meals into this Retreat! The only additional costs will be if you decide to do some shopping or grab a coffee off the premises.
Daily Group Breathwork & Movement
Habits Intensive to help you begin processing what would be useful in that area you want to make a change.
1:1 Deep Dive Session with Lindsey in that one specific area you want to make a change in.
1:1 Personal Session with Kellie for any modifications or issues that may be getting in the way of your movement.
2 Week Post-Retreat Report
Free Time!
All of this for only $963, and just a $200 deposit!
*Payment plans can be arranged for remaining balance.
You Might Not Be Ready...
This Retreat may not be for you if:
If you’re not open to new perspectives or ways of being. You’re more committed to your struggle and stories than your change. We are not here to drag you along or validate your suffering or enable your excuses or addictions (including that addiction to Suffering). We are only here to help you move forward.
Someone who’s looking for a magic pill or quick fix. Yes, the insights and discovery can happen in a flash, but the rest is a process – a process you will have to continue. We are not here to spoon feed you insight and answers – you must be willing to participate in your own transformation.
Permission to Explore Retreats are NOT for you if you are not willing to be vulnerable, become conscious of your thoughts, behaviors, subconscious beliefs, and change your habits. You MUST be willing to get uncomfortable whether that is trying a new exercise modality or getting honest about your real motives.
It’s also not for you if you aren’t willing to consider there’s more to health, fulfilling relationships, success than working more, trying harder, perfecting everything, controlling more, and hoping other people in your life will fall in line so that you can get the outcomes you want.
If you’re comfy in your never ending cycles of stress, people pleasing, and enjoy being a martyr. (Example: wearing busy, tired, and struggle as a badge of honor.)
Here's How You Know If This Retreat Is Right For You:
You're exhausted, frustrated, burnt-out and anxious more often than not.
You’re the kind of person who has a vision for the kind of life you want, and you're willing to give yourself permission to pursue it.
You’re stuck in your head and you know there’s something holding you back in a specific area.
You just can’t seem to figure out what that thing is.
You're committed to your personal growth so that you can discover what’s holding you back. ​
You’re ready to give yourself permission to be curious and open, get real with yourself, and let some stuff go.
You’re ready to give yourself permission to explore the connection between your thoughts, beliefs, emotions, how it all effects your body –
AND be 100% willing to take responsibility for ALL OF IT.
Now imagine how your life could be different if ...
You said yes to one weekend for you. Knowing, giving yourself proof, that it is possible to take better care of you, even with other things on your plate. Feeling peaceful, confident, and even enjoyed making yourself a priority
You may or may not already realize that change is possible, but you need guidance to see what you're missing. And that's totally OK!

If you can check off these 3 points, then you owe it to yourself to at least jump on a call to learn more:
You’re the kind of person who has a vision for the life you want.
You know one specific area that you want to make a change in, but you’re stuck in your head.
AND you just can’t seem to figure out how to move past the problem.
Perhaps you're ready for All In. Then click the button below to save your spot.

Calling all the overwhelmed, busy, exhausted over-doers!
Hey there! We're Lindsey & Kellie.
With over two combined decades of experience in the fitness industry, a decade in the wellness coaching industry, and two lifetimes of self-development and growth, we love to create unique Mind, Body, and Spirit retreats - reconnecting to the whole of you.
We believe that new perspectives allow new perspectives.
Getting out of your routines (those brain loops and habits) allows you to receive new insights and begin to lay the foundations of the new habits you want to create.